Certificate and On-Demand Courses
You have made a great decision to join us at the online Certificate Program! Please fill out the short application and we’ll get right back to you.
You are an important member of our learning community. Together we are making a difference in the lives of people impacted by incarceration.

CM 101
Dimensions in
Correctional Ministries
This course introduces the two dimensions of Christian correctional ministry, by examining Christian ministry and criminal justice. Topics focus on integrating Biblical truth and criminal justice along with issues and ministry with those who are justice-involved, corrections staff, victims and their families.
September 29 – November 23, 2025
[Register by September 20]

CM 102
Dynamics of Working
with Justice-Involved Persons
This course is designed help students understand the corrections environment, people and culture by examining the common characteristics of justice involved people, specialized approaches to ministering within correctional facilities and reentry, and integration of corrections principles and biblical truth.
January 5 – March 1, 2026
[Register by December 30]

CM 103
Christian Formation in
Correctional Ministries
This course examines the personal, theological, process, and praxis of Christian formation for those working in correctional ministry seeking to fulfill the great commission, “to make disciples of Christ.” In addition, the relationship between Christian formation and rehabilitation is explored.
April 1 – May 27, 2025
[Register by March 20]

CM 201
Foundations of
Correctional Chaplaincy
This course provides an overview of correctional chaplaincy as it functions in correctional facilities. Topics include the history of correctional chaplaincy, multiple roles and responsibilities, special skills and abilities required, and the constitutional mandates that govern the delivery of religious services in a correctional institutional setting.
September 29 – November 23, 2025
[Register by September 20]

CM 202
Pastoral Care in
Correctional Ministry
This course introduces the unique challenges and strategies involved in the pastoral care of incarcerated youth, men and women and corrections staff. Focus will be given to an introductory knowledge of the problems of human suffering, biblical foundations for care in ministry, core helping skills, as well as general counseling theories and techniques applicable to the correctional setting.
January 5 – March 1, 2026
[Register by December 30]

CM 301
Foundations of
This course provides biblical foundation for reintegration ministry and practical application of research. Topics include issues, barriers, and challenges to successful reintegration of those transitioning from incarceration to society. This course will examine the nature of individuals, churches, organizations, government entities and communities as they relate to reintegration.
September 29 – November 23, 2025
[Register by September 20]

CM 302
Case Management
and Mentoring
This course examines case management and mentoring models and processes used for successful reentry of the incarcerated back into the community while integrating biblical principles and the faith community. Opportunities for skill development will be provided.
January 5 – March 1, 2026
[Register by December 30]

CM 401
Organization and
Program Development
This course provides an overview of the principles and practices for developing and leading an organization. Research, plan, and administrate a ministry program that provides learning experiences to help those who are justice-involved encounter the person of God, the truths of His Word, the power of His Holy Spirit, and transform their thinking and behavior while developing basic life skills.
April 1 – May 27, 2025
[Register by March 20]

ALL RISE: Ministry with Women
ALL RISE TRAINING is designed to accompany the book,
Cost: FREE
ALL RISE provides an overview of the important themes and practical realities of female correctional ministry.
It incorporates the actual narratives of justice-involved women, prison administrators, chaplains, volunteers,
and ministry workers to create a realistic look at the challenges inherent in change.

Answering The Call is our 11-week, in-prison training for Christ-followers to live focused lives of witness and discipleship.
ATC equips participants to develop relationships and communicate the gospel naturally, with gentleness and respect, and to disciple Christ followers toward maturity in Christ.

JAIL MINISTRY TRAINING is designed to accompany the book, Jail Ministry: Preparing Christians to Effectively Volunteer
Cost: FREE. After you purchase the book, find the discount code inside, and register below.
Participants will be able to understand the unique characteristics, roles, and responsibilities and gain insight into those who live and work there. Participants will recognize and develop the skills needed to be a quality jail volunteer, learn ways to avoid pitfalls that damage ministry opportunities, and learn how to live out a Biblical foundation for ministry.

Pre-Requisite Training
Cost: Free
Pre-Requisites: None

Life Coach Training Basics
Cost: $20
Pre-Requisites: Pre-Requisite Training Course

Christian Life Coaching
Cost: FREE
Pre-Requisites: Completed Pre-Requisite Training Course & Paid for Life Coach Training Basics