Churchgoer Views of Prison Ministry
Churchgoer Views of Prison Ministry Study was conducted by LifeWay Research through a survey of 1,006 American churchgoers. The study is sponsored by the Correctional Ministries Institute, Prison Fellowship, Correctional Ministries and Chaplains Association (CMCA), and Kairos Prison Ministry International.

Pastor Views on Prison Ministry: A Survey of Protestant Pastors
The Pastor Views on Prison Ministry was conducted by LifeWay Research. Its objectives were to quantitatively measure current church involvement in correctional ministry and to measure Protestant pastors’ experience and attitude toward engaging in ministry among those affected by incarceration.
Jail Chaplaincy
Gathering information on Jail Chaplaincy is challenging because of the wide range of sizes, locations, and independent governing authorities. This study reveals that Jail Chaplaincy lacks common standards, processes, space, programs and terminology among jails. Variances reported are influenced by facility size and geographical location. The impact of religious services is measured by attendance rather than outcomes. More research is needed in the area of Jail Chaplaincy.