Course Descriptions

Dimensions of Correctional Ministries

This course introduces the two dimensions of Christian correctional ministry, by examining Christian ministry and criminal justice. Topics focus on integrating Biblical truth and criminal justice along with issues and ministry with those who are justice-involved, corrections staff, victims and their families.

Christian Formation in Correctional Ministry

This course examines the personal, theological, process, and praxis of Christian formation for those working in correctional ministry seeking to fulfill the great commission, “to make disciples of Christ.” In addition, the relationship between Christian formation and rehabilitation is explored.

Dynamics of Working with Justice-involved Persons

This course is designed help students understand the corrections environment, people and culture by examining the common characteristics of justice­ involved people, specialized approaches to ministering within correctional facilities and reentry, and integration of corrections principles and biblical truth.

Organization and Ministry Development

This course provides an overview of the principles and practices for developing and leading an organization. Research, plan, and administrate a ministry program that provides learning experiences to help those who are justice-involved encounter the person of God, the truths of His Word, the power of His Holy Spirit, and transform their thinking and behavior while developing basic life skills.

Foundations of Correctional Chaplaincy

This course provides an overview of correctional chaplaincy as it functions in correctional facilities. Topics include the history of correctional chaplaincy, multiple roles and responsibilities, special skills and abilities required, and the constitutional mandates that govern the delivery of religious services in a correctional institutional setting.

Foundations of Reintergration

This course focuses on the Biblical foundation for prisoner reintegration ministry and the practical application of reentry research. Topics include issues, barriers, and challenges to the successful reintegration of those transitioning from incarceration to society. The phases and key principles of prisoner reintegration are examined, with an emphasis on making decisions related to practical planning for ministry along with the need to understand the various natures of individuals, churches, organizations, government entities and the community as it relates to reintegration from incarceration back into society.

Pastoral Care in Corrections

This course introduces the unique challenges and strategies involved in pastoral care within a correctional setting with the incarcerated, staff and their families. Focus is on human suffering, biblical foundations for ministry care, helping skills, and general counseling theories and techniques applicable in the correctional setting.

Case Management and Mentoring

This course introduces theories and practices in case management and mentoring for successful transition of the incarcerated back into society. Assessment and program development is discussed along with opportunities for skill development.

Capstone Project

The capstone project integrates course learnings and furthers one’s current ministry for the Kingdom of God. The project is identified by the student in consultation with the professor.


The 30-hour practicum provides an opportunity for students to develop skills and learning in a correctional ministry area under the guidance of an experienced ministry supervisor.

Clinical Pastoral Presence

This course develops pastoral formation, competence and reflections of individuals providing spiritual care for the incarcerated. Learners engage in weekly pastoral care experiences, journaling, reflection and peer feedback. Class size is limited to five. 

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